The Daily Coffee Ritual: Infuse your Morning with Self-Love

Self-love requires daily work and constant reminders to yourself that you are worthy and more than enough. It’s important to find small ways to practice self-love in your everyday routines, that is why I created this morning ritual. The Daily Coffee Ritual is a perfect way to practice mantras and affirmations every morning, helping you make these reminders a habit. If you don't drink coffee, try doing a similar ritual with any breakfast food or drink – maybe do it with no props at all, do it in your mind or I strongly encourage you to write it down! I love doing this while I eat breakfast, it helps build routine and prepares me for my day all while practicing self-love in an easy way!

Infusing with Energy

Do you infuse your morning coffee and/or breakfast with positive energy as you’re busy creating your meal? If not, do you realize the simple practice of food preparation can be transformed into a very simple yet effective magical ritual that can help to manifest what you desire for yourself?

Now you may wonder, what is so special about stirring coffee and cooking breakfast? All you’re doing is mixing the ingredients & preventing food from burning on the bottom of the pan. That’s true, but for all things witchy the simple act of stirring becomes much, much more. When we stir, we are infusing the food with our energy. Therefore, our emotional and mental attitude can become very important.

In magical practice, when we stir in a counterclockwise direction, we wish to banish something, to send it away, because it either no longer serves us or we simply do not wish to have that energy in our life. As you stir clockwise, focus on things you wish to manifest or attract into your life. It can be anything & they do not have to relate to one another.

The Daily Coffee Ritual: Step-by-Step

Step One: Pour your coffee into your mug. This ritual can also be done with tea. You can do this with an iced drink as well.

Step Two: Add any cream or sugar and stir clockwise three times. Remember, when we stir we are also infusing the coffee with our energy. With each clockwise stir, repeat your mantras out loud.

Here is an example with some great mantras to get started:

Stir one: I am worthy.

Stir Two: I deserve happiness.

Stir Three: I love myself/my body.

Step Three: Stir counterclockwise three times, taking in a deep inhale and exhale each time. As you stir counterclockwise, release any negativity or heaviness you may be feeling. Allow your exhales to remove the anxiety from your body and with each inhale, bring in the positive.

Bonus Spellwork


I always encourage my clients to gratitude journal every morning, this practice has changed my mindset completely and allowed me to see the good things in my life when it feels like everything is crashing down around me. Take some time to sit down and write every morning as you drink your coffee. Too often we throw a cup of coffee and/or breakfast together and take it on the go as we head into our stressful lives but, imagine the magic you could discover within yourself by giving yourself that small moment every morning. 5 minutes and intention is all it can take to change your life.

I hope The Daily Coffee Ritual can be of use to you, I’d love to see you practicing this- tag me in your stories and posts on social media so I can share. If you need a little more guidance or just want to see this ritual in action, check out the WITCHCRAFT highlight on my Instagram @nourishednatasha!

Love, Natasha